APART utilizes a broad network of fashion  stylists and social influencers providing  brands with a twenty-first century public  relations strategy. Modern Pop-Up events, for  a modern time.

Where our  APART  Pop  Ups  are  located  will  create  and manage an elegant multi-brand concept store.

This way the sales staff interfaces with our customers,  creating a local experience and avoids costly travel for  participants and company personnel.


Our professional showroom connects fashion designers and brand withs fashion professionals.

Each participant will have a dedicated space displaying their collection. There are no closed booths or boxes, customers and operators enjoy  full access to our showroom. This creates a new innovative environment where customers, participants, media professionals and agents can express their curiosity creating a flow of interest.

The exhibition hall of the space is equipped with furniture and hangers for each individual brand. The minimalistic design interiors offer an  ideal setting for the presentation of the collections.